Fully lined leather handbag - PDF template
In this article you’ll find the link to purchcase and download the PDF file as well as a full build guide video to make a stylish woman’s handbag.
BUild video and PDF below
Download the PDF template
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Click the picture below to purchase and download the template ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Once purchased, the link to the PDF file will appear⬆️⬆️
How I make it
The main material was premium natural vegetable tanned (vegtan) leather from DecoCuir.com in 1,2mm thickness that was dyed using Fiebing’s Oil Dye in green. I like to oil my leather before dying with a light coat of Fiebing’s 100% pure Neatsfoot oil as I find this helps keep the leather nourished and supple during the dye process which can dry our leather.
I chose to keep the inside of the bag in its natural color.
Once the pattern has been printed out, and I’ve checked the size is correct, I’ll trace the pattern on the back of my leather piece.
I have a variety of leather cutting tools but find that the best is either a standard box cutter or the Indispensable knife by Vergez Blanchard - do yourself a favor and go grab the Chartermade replacement blade for this… it’s worth it. Once all the pieces are cut out, go ahead and skive the top lip of the inner pocket to enable you to turn it and stitch it. For all my stitching I use pure linen waxed thread from Meisi, in this case it was their M60 thread (0,6mm thick) in cream (MS006 if I remember correctly).
To help you punch the holes for stitching you could use an awl, which is the traditional method but certainly not the easiest, especially when starting out. If you haven’t already I strongly recommend investing in good pricking irons, I have a preference for CrimsonHides irons but Sinabrok or KS Blade irons are also great choices. In a pinch, even a very basic (and cheap!) kit of pricking irons will do the trick.
All the assembly steps are detailed in the build video, the hardest part being installing the pocket and closing mechanism properly.
Check out the full build video!
Keep on crafting!